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Mary Kay

Pour a Pint of Guinness Beer Brown Bread for the New Year!

Yes, you can pour your Guinness and eat it too!

Enjoy a slice of this crusty no-knead Guinness Beer Brown Soda Bread topped with homemade honey butter alongside a cold draught of Guinness Beer. There's no better way to start the New Year!

Yes, you can pour your Guinness and eat it too! With Guinness Beer folded in this batter, you’ll bake up a nice crusty dark soda bread which is delicious with a thick slice of cheddar cheese, cream cheese or even honey butter topping. Or try it as a grilled cheese when you sandwich a flavorful cheese and fried bacon in between. Pair your full-flavored bread with cheeses of even deeper flavors or meats with the same…and a cold Guinness. It’s a full-fledged meal.

Best of all, there’s no need to knead this bread. I love it! Just mix the dry ingredients and cut in the butter with a pastry utensil until it’s crumb like. Then add all the web ingredients and stir till all combined. But, don’t over stir.

Makes 1 loaf of bread for about 10 thick slices.

Prep your pan:

Butter a 9”x5” bread baking pan – all sides and the bottom. Set aside.

Preheat your oven to 350F degrees a few minutes before you're ready to bake.

Include in your Guinness Soda Bread Batter:

2 1/3 C Whole Wheat Flour

¾ C Flour

½ C Oats, rolled (not instant)

1 ¼ t Baking soda

¼ t Salt

1 ½ T Brown Sugar

3 T Butter, soft (not melted)

1 C Milk, whole (not 1% or 2%)

1/3 C Molasses

1 t Vanilla

1 C Guinness Draught Beer

Start Mixing:

- Mix all dry ingredients together thoroughly. Save some oats to sprinkle on top of the batter in the pan.

- Add the butter and cut it in with a pastry utensil until it resembles bread crumbs.

- Add all the wet ingredients at once.

- Stir just until everything is combined without over mixing - you’ll end up with a sticky batter.

- Pour batter into the buttered bread pan.

- Sprinkle a few oats over the top of the batter.

- Bake at 350F degrees for 40-50 minutes. Check it at 40 minutes – if it sounds hollow when you tap the top, it’s done. If not, bake a little longer until the tapping produces a hollow sound.

- Loosen the bread by running a knife around all the edges.

- Let bread cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes.

- Tip and let pan roll out onto a rack or cutting board. Let it cool longer on its side.

Enjoy it with a dark draught beer:

- Cut a slice while it’s still warm to enjoy it at its freshest, with honey butter or your favorite thick slice of cheese.

- Try it day old, toasted and warm a thick slice of cheese on top of it.

- Grill two slices with cheese and fried bacon sandwiched in-between.

- Heat up some brie and dollop it with homemade blueberry jam alongside your crusty dark bread!

- I can't imagine that you'd have any left over, but this bread also makes very good croutons. Simply cut the bread into cubes and put into a bowl. Sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil and any herbs or spices you like. Toast in a 200F degree oven and let them dry in 30-40 minutes. Strew them over a tuna salad on toast or across your favorite green salad. Double Yum!

Enjoy this dark crusty bread with friends along with a dark draught beer and “Bake your own Memories!”

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