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Mary Kay

Happy Birthday to My BLOG! October 27, 2023 Angels Baking Memories is One Year Old!

It’s my BLOG’s First Birthday!

Born October 27, 2022

Over 200 De!icious Recipes!

The B on the cake stands for Blog and Birthday. It seems like just yesterday – seriously - that I launched my first food blog. I was so nervous since doing something like this was way out of my comfort zone, but it had been a dream of mine for a number of years. I’m not a computer expert, so I was learning on the fly regarding the technical side of the blog, making mistakes and learning from them as I went along. And I was still creating new recipes and tweaking older recipes in the kitchen as well as handling the photography, the narrations and the planning.

Just like any other project, it takes planning, mixing the right ingredients and ideas, focusing on the goals, etc.

I made it! I did it! It feels so good! A year ago I was well on the way to my goal of posting over 200 de!icious recipes by the end of year one.

My website and blog were actually launched one year ago, on October 27, 2022. It’s called Angels Baking Memories and features many older and newer family recipes with special tweaks and redesigns to bring them into a new century. And, even more special, you can read about how some of the older generations dealt with baking and cooking on outdated wood burning cookstoves, ice boxes, campfires, etc. I actually learned on some of them with my Grandmas, when I was a very young child.

Happy Birthday! Blog Cake

The pink layer cake pictured above represents my Blog’s Birthday (note the B on the cake). It’s actually a cake I designed and created to commemorate the opening of the Barbie movie this past summer. It was an exciting time for movie goers and Barbie fanatics. It also felt good as a representation for my Blog Birthday, with the big B on the side. (My nieces and nephews loved it when I delivered the cake to them this past summer, as they were my official taste testers!) Take a look at my layered cake recipe and directions at:

Over 200 recipes available with family short stories

Right now, my blog has over 200 De!icious Recipes onboard. They include many of my family’s favorite recipes and my husband’s family favorites, along with some from my Great Grandmother and special friends and neighbors. People love reading the short family stories I include with many of the recipes.

From easy meals to quick takes on harder recipes, from cakes to cheesecakes, from cookies and bars to holidays desserts, from oven meals to soups, wraps and sandwiches, from candies to salads to special beverages, from kitchen tips and tricks to family stories accompanying many of the recipes…this journey has been fulfilling and rewarding. I hope you enjoy the recipes and anecdotes as much as I’ve enjoyed the research, photography, the designing of recipes and postings onto my blog.

My Dream is Similar to Others’ Dreams – to share the best recipes

Like the many layers in a cake, my dream began with creating a food blog, in steps, to share favorite family recipes, including updated tweaks, with people around the globe. With the COVID pandemic well underway, I found myself with a lot of extra time to research my family recipes, research other successful blogs, talk with bloggers, reminisce about family connections for fun short stories…and to create the actual recipes in my own kitchen.

By the time I was ready to launch my website and food blog,, I already had 50 recipes created and produced, photos taken, narrations devised and all ready to share. In the past year I’ve added over another 150 recipes, with photos and stories, to my website and blog.

Thank you…

Like the sprinkles on top of my Birthday Cake, there are so many family members, past and present, and friends who have contributed to the recipes on my blog pages (whether you knew it or not). Thank you for sharing your expertise and delicious recipes that you have shared through your handwritten notes, beautifully cursive recipe cards, and the local cookbooks marked with favorites notes. I love reading the notes along the margins. They give much more insight to the recipes and even when or where the food was shared and served, or where the recipe originally came from.

I also want to give Amanda with Dare Devil Consulting a special shout out for all the technical expertise and guidance she has provided for me over the past year and a half, helping me to focus on my goals. Thank you for your creativity and sharing ideas with me.

The B also stands for: "Bake" your own Memories!

Recipes can reflect the history of a family, how they communicated through food, how people in the family have changed the recipes, substituted ingredients, and continued to share. I hope you enjoy the family and friend recipes I have shared through my blog. Whatever recipes you yourself create, make or tweak, be sure to “Bake your own Memories!”

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